Thursday 8 September 2011

the first week in t.y

ok people lets get one thing straight...ty is NOT a dos year. after only one week i already have 3 projects all due in october. but so far i can say that i definatly didnt make a mistake when i signed up for t.y.
just like i had hoped i was put into the same class as a few of my ever so fantastic friends (sort of !!) and ( if i do say so myself) i have the best class name!!! BANBA!!!!!!
i will admit that having to get up at half six was diffucult, to say the least, especially since  the marjority of summer waking up at four or five in the evening!!!! although at the moment im am lacking in the green socks department, it feels great being able to refer to yourself as a senior!!! the best part about t.y is definatly all the new and different subjects that we do. on thursdays, i have photography, it, dancing and pilates to look forward to. seeing as we have no course to worl on this year, we get to learn so much more throuh the media of debate, workshop etc. so much better then sitting in a cold classroom reading about world war two from a book. the team building workshops (although so far we already have had just one) have really been working, and you can definatly feel a sense of community in our class. but we still have so much more to look forward to. such as the trip to carlingford for a bond building workshop. where we will be staying at the hilton overnight and attending one of the finest underage nightclubs in the country....ok not really, but spending time with your friends in a nice bnb is good too!!!
and although i never thought id say it the project have been really fun as weel. especially the geography one which ranks as my personal favourite. for this porjects you must pretend that you and a friend are taking a year long trip around the world with a budget of 24,000 euro. we did hit a bit of trouble though when we went to cairo only to spend nearly have our budget!!! (we did however manage to shorten that by almort 9000euro!!!!!! )
and then of course there is the bt yuong scientist and my homc project which ranks as my second favourite project. we must pick an era, ( e.g 1920s, 40s, 1750s, etc) and make a garment based on that era. the base of the outfit is a white t shirt and trousers, which convientilly enoungh, has been given to us for free. ( what with the reccession and all !!)
bottom far ty....AMAZING!!! wouldn't want to miss it for the world xx

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