Wednesday 28 September 2011

quote of the week ( yes i actually decided to do one this week!!)

I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people.

                                                                                                                       - John Lennon

omfg im soooooo exicted

yeah so you'd think after five weeks of t.y i would eventually not have much to say every weeks. after all, projects are nearly done, well two of them anywayz, and our last trip was the ever so amazing carlingford. ........................................................................................................................................................

there is!!!! mini company has been going really well. i dont think i've mentioned anything about mini company yet...(i really need to start reading my own blog!!!) but if i did i probably mentioned that at the moment...i can't really say anything about what we our actually making just yet. but i can explain what mini company company is something that all t.ys get involved with every single year. we are split into groups and the groups that we are in must come up with a product, we can sell it in out school and later enter the mini company competittion. there has even been cases of products  made for mini company becomeing great success. (fingers crossed!!) it works like an actually buissness as we all have different titles and tasks such as the mangaing directer, marketing, sales, finace manger etc i...on the other hand have the very important job of the wait for it.....SERCUTARY!!!! i have to take everything said at our mini company classes and keep it on file for future reference!!!

tommorow should be good as we will be attending a mini company workshop...more of that next week

blogger out xx

Friday 23 September 2011

duble pe was eventful today

rightio so,
today at school there was only one rule to follow....when you want to must hold the magic pencil case!!!
so yeah as many of you know the annual fun walk will be taking place in a matter of weeks. and all i can say is that its a good thing we tend to work pretty damn fast other was we'd be in the same place as we were this morning.....nowhere!!! but i suppose hearing that other classes were way ahead in their costumes, song etc, that might have been a little push forwards. but so far we've got our song our routine and we all know what our costumes are going to be ( once we bring them in that is ) and now all we have to d is the coriography (can't spell!!!)  not saying anything though....little hint lawyer shall be wearing a dress!!! ( as ya do)

ok my hand is tired now

blogger out xx

Wednesday 21 September 2011

quote for the week ( well this week anyway)

im not nesscarlly guna do this every just fyi

you were born an orginal...dont die and copy xxx

blogger out


this is guna be brief guys......:)

so our homec project as i explained ( i think) before we must pick and era and make a garment using a white jeans and t shirt as our base and base that on our chosen era and our assigned colours. my group and i have finnaly decided to base ours on the 1920s or the flapper era as it is called and our colour is black and white. we have our sketch done but im saying nothing here....dont want anyone to copy it now do we haha

later gaters xx

project buzz

yeah so projects....thats kinda my life now!!!!
 geography, well im partners with my ever so lovely friend madeleine....( aka mad dog, madz etc) and as i mentioned in my very first blog we must pretend to take a trip around the world for a year.
we discovered in our social development thing, about what our personalities are. i am what they call the red bull or the leaders. i take action and i like things to be precise, to the point, and on time ( some say pushy but i disagree :)   ) i dont like the maybe or we'll see, i like yes or no....whats wrong with that. anywayz madz is what they call an observer. shes more laid back, easy going and re;laxed towards things. ( including projects haha) and by god we figured that out the hard way!!! haha
when hearing that we only have six more classes to finish and having not even finished our first two countries.....i had what  be described as a miny panic attack. madeleine of course was laid back relaxed and assured me that we would get the project done on time, and perfectly done. but having had to rebook our flights to cairo alone almost three not so sure.
 at the moment im trying to organise events that we can attend while we're in cairo and ukraine...i guess madz is sorting out out next destination.

blogger out xx
im sick and my life officially suckss!!!!!! :( ok so lets just get this out of the way now...this blog shall be brief, and if you get a feeling like you've been smacked in the face with a seroius of cruel words then this blog shall be a success. I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY PEOPLE!!!!!! i my alarm went off at five in the morning today and i couldn't the snooze button befroe i ended throwing my clock out the window!! the shower was FREEZEING TODAY!!! and you'd think my ever so lovley father would give me a lift to school today seeing as i've been (and still am) sick with a sore throat, a cough, a the flu in general. in an attempt to cover up the dark circles under my eyes and the many spot infecting face today i ended up with orange blotches of concealer on my face today....not impressed :(

any way....brief

blogger out xx

Thursday 15 September 2011


oh yeah....TAYLOR MOMSEN IS AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haters.....are just weird

blogger out

junior cert results!!!

ok so i open up my envelope and i swear to god my heart as never beated so fast before in my life !!!
i open the envelope and at first feel dismay, when i dont see any As and just alot of Bs, Cs and three Ds.!!!
so yes, i will admit that at first i was anything but pleased. and yes....a few tears were shed. but when seeing my mother jumping up and down like a little child at my 7 honours and 3 passes, my mind quickly changes, and although there are few subjects i would just LOOOOOOOOOOVE to appeal, i remind myself that this is still only the junior cert and ill just save all the As for the leaving cert!!
although everyone last night made their way to time to celebrate..( or take their mind of it) i chose to just join a few friends and family for a quite ( but extremly fun) dinner. i know that sounds boring but there was noooooo way i was going into school the next day absolutly exhausted. so instead, i'll be joining my good friends on the other side of the country and join in on their celebrations with dont take place until friday night ( LUCKY!!!!)

lesson for today: start studying at the begginng of the year, and for the love of god will you keep it up!!!! :(

blogger out xx

Wednesday 14 September 2011

hi btw!!!

just realised i had actually written everything about ty but nothing about myself (soz bbbz!!!) ok so my names amy ( but if you dont mind i wish to be refered to as mrs. Scallywags!!) im 16, i live in ireland, and i am the perfect example of the typicial irish steyrotype. that is pasty white skin ( i burn in the dark!!!! :(  ) and blue red hair though HAHAHA!! i luv acting..hopefully next time you'll her about me after school will the oscars but anywayz... i love music. little bit of rock, rave, rap.....EVERYTHING!! (cept heavey metal though :(  ) i love the tv show skins. effy is actually my idol!!! my mother of course was mortified when i started dressing like her ( sorry mam)  yadadadada blah blah blah..ok you get the point. im going noe bye xx

p.s madz...i do dress like effy, but not the excact same way....the whole point of having an idol is to interperat what thedo or wear and make it your own!!!! GOOOOOD!!!!!

luv ya though xx

im back!!!!!!!!!

back from carlingford and now awaiting the junior cert result :( trying not to think about it too much, ( or say i think i did ok cos lets face it...we all know i failed)
so far carlingford has been the highlit of ty so far. and even though i came back about two stone heavier, ( i swear to god those people tricked us into spending all our money on the vending machines or the local chinese!!!) i would definatly go back again. the first day was the best!!! we did teamwork builing challenges with our groups, ( running around in the dark in a mase was NOT fun though and anything but teambuilding haha) and after that we went laser shooting. so much fun!!! cept when you died of course.....not fun :( we came back to lunch only to find that we were being joined by another school... BOYS school!! yaaaay!!! the evening was fun when we all got guitars and sang together and some ( including yours truly) getting up for an aul solo :) and the fire show fom one of the staff members wasn't to bad either haha. neither were the lads of course :) next day was all about rock climbing and orinantering. (propber hike that was :(  ) and saying our goodbyes to the staff and our friends. have to say loved staying in a 12 bed room with nine other girls. and watching lauren doing her funny little dance at twon in the morning, or wakeing madeleine up and fear that she would kill me :( ok bells gone so im leaving!!!!!! cya tommorow when the results our finally out :) xxx

Thursday 8 September 2011

the first week in t.y

ok people lets get one thing straight...ty is NOT a dos year. after only one week i already have 3 projects all due in october. but so far i can say that i definatly didnt make a mistake when i signed up for t.y.
just like i had hoped i was put into the same class as a few of my ever so fantastic friends (sort of !!) and ( if i do say so myself) i have the best class name!!! BANBA!!!!!!
i will admit that having to get up at half six was diffucult, to say the least, especially since  the marjority of summer waking up at four or five in the evening!!!! although at the moment im am lacking in the green socks department, it feels great being able to refer to yourself as a senior!!! the best part about t.y is definatly all the new and different subjects that we do. on thursdays, i have photography, it, dancing and pilates to look forward to. seeing as we have no course to worl on this year, we get to learn so much more throuh the media of debate, workshop etc. so much better then sitting in a cold classroom reading about world war two from a book. the team building workshops (although so far we already have had just one) have really been working, and you can definatly feel a sense of community in our class. but we still have so much more to look forward to. such as the trip to carlingford for a bond building workshop. where we will be staying at the hilton overnight and attending one of the finest underage nightclubs in the country....ok not really, but spending time with your friends in a nice bnb is good too!!!
and although i never thought id say it the project have been really fun as weel. especially the geography one which ranks as my personal favourite. for this porjects you must pretend that you and a friend are taking a year long trip around the world with a budget of 24,000 euro. we did hit a bit of trouble though when we went to cairo only to spend nearly have our budget!!! (we did however manage to shorten that by almort 9000euro!!!!!! )
and then of course there is the bt yuong scientist and my homc project which ranks as my second favourite project. we must pick an era, ( e.g 1920s, 40s, 1750s, etc) and make a garment based on that era. the base of the outfit is a white t shirt and trousers, which convientilly enoungh, has been given to us for free. ( what with the reccession and all !!)
bottom far ty....AMAZING!!! wouldn't want to miss it for the world xx