Wednesday 16 May 2012

i've returned!! :D

so iv been gone for a while but trust me i can explain....
i've spent ages with projects :O the main two were for geography and history. they were both really cool cos we got to pick the topic ourselves. i did my geography proejct on different theatres around the world and i did my history project on whether shakespeare wrote his own plays. i must admit it feels really good having them both done. now all there is to prepare for is the ty night. every student has to pick a subject they want to be in charge for and make a presentaion about what we've done this year. me and shannon gannon are doing history and we dont hav that much time!! might has well start now then

cya xx

Thursday 29 March 2012

one word......TUNE!!!!!! :o

well last night was our music night and the entire event was a great success. i was so nervous when i was about to sing but i dont think i did that bad. and all my other fellow soloists did really well. and i must admit i had great craic watching school of rock in the demo room and messing with lauren in the courtyard!


Wednesday 28 March 2012

getting pumped for tonight lads!!!!


go flo!!!

well heeeloooooooooooooooooo there!!!!
tonight is the night we have all een waiting for!!....well not really, but we are all nervous. tonight we're having out annual music night and classes Eriu and Banba are singing florence and the machines "Shake it out". and anyone that knows me knows that i have a rather unhealthy obsession with florence and the machine.
we've been practising the song for months now and we've finally got it down to a T!! i was lucky enough to get a little solo in the song. its only two longs but if its happy!! :)

just for my line!!....

"and its hard to dance with the devil on your back,
but given half the chance would i take any of it back?
its a fine romance but its left me so undone"

LOVE IT!!!! :)
the show opens at about 7.30 tonight so wish us luck...god knows..I NEED IT!! :o

Wednesday 21 March 2012

nothing, nothing and paddys day :D

ok so iv been absent for many many days.... (kids learn from me...wear your coat wen its raining -_- )
unfortunatly i missed the assualt course trip and the paddy day celebration ...cue sad face :(.
so i really have nothing to say :( but considering this is ty we hav plenty still to do. we have a new history project which we pretty much decide our own topic two geog project and th ian daly swim a mile...which should be fun :)

shhhhhlater!! ;)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

banging on really loud drums after a week with uncontrable kids can be quite therapeutic!!

ok so if you happen to be a normal person, you're probably looking at the title going WHAT THE ......???????:O
dont worry...i shall explain myself now...
we did our second week of work experiance last week and this time i opted for a montessori instead of a solicitors office. and i can safely ...theres quite a difference. iv alway loved kids and iv always been good with them but they can be such a CHALLENGE at times -_-  i was working at my aunties montessori and there were two classes everyday. one in the morning which lasted from 9.30 to 12.30 and then the afternoon class started at 1.00 to 4.00 first the kids had an hour and a half of "work time" which usually consited of me helping them with puzzlee and what not.. and theh after that there was "cirlce time" which is basacially where all of of sat in a circle and sang get it... then there was lucnh time which lasted a half an hour and then finally the was art time before they went home, except on fridays when its cooking time instead. the kids were great but they could ge a little mad at times. the morning class werent so bad though. they were very quite and they usually did all their work by themselves without much help from me or my aunt. but the afternoon class could be quite diffuculy because the majority of them were foreign and one of them couldn't even speak english at all!!! (quite diffucult to say the least!! ) and they could get quite loud and wpuldnt do their work. the most diffucult part of the afternoon class though was that there was a boy called philip who is disabled. but he hasnt been diagnosed yet so it is very to help im because we didnt know what excactly was wrong with him. he was fine most days ...but on wednesday....HE WENT MENTAL !! :o
apart from that i had a really good time working with the kids and they were so sweet and cute and some of them would literally follo me around the entire day AWWWWWW :)

on monday we had a percussion workshop. which was really cool just spending the entire day playing drums :) not too shabby !!!

god im tired

slater gator !!xx

Thursday 9 February 2012

st brigid was such a multi tasker!!!!

hola mis amigos!!!!! que tal???!!! 

ok enough that now!!! fyi for all that dont know me, after four years at this school that is all the spanish i actually know. i know...thats....sad..but im actually proud of that achievment.

on tuesday we went to kildare town for a st brigid pilgrimage. i know it doesnt sound that good but it was actually really fun. we went to st brigids cathedral and we went underground into a tiny little...tomb...thingy. i dont...people were buried there anyway. ut funnily enough, it is locally referred to as "st brigids kicthen" now i dont know about you, but i wouldn't be too impressed if i was buried in a place that was possably confused with an actual kicthen!!
we were all very tired and it involved alot of walking, and mr c, had alot of trouble trying to get us to keep up, and for a while we were seroiusly behind schedule. but once we all got our starbucks pick me up, we were very livley and happy. we went to see st brigids well. but the ground was soaking wet so i was actually FREEZING for the longest time. apart from that the trip was actually pretty cool. it amazing to see all the stuff that one woman could've done.

blogger out xx

Wednesday 1 February 2012

recap of a fantastic ( but extremly stressfull) year......get the tissues ppl!!!!

my stress levels have gone down severly the past few weeks. but its so nice having all our bigs projects sorted. and now we only hav one small little one to do in geography. things i can tick off my list include...
1. mini company
2. bt young scientist
4. homec.
5. history

the list oges on and on!!! i hav to say though although it can be incrediably boring not having that much to do its so nice actually having a sicial life on the weekdays again :)
but i cant help but look back on our year so far..i ant believe we only have 5 months left of t.y its gone by so quickly. we had such a good time!! my favourite by far has to be the trip to carlingford and the bt young scientist. i had so much fun at bt. i met so many nice ppl and im just dying for an excuse to go back cos i miss everybody sooooo much :(
its not all bad, we still have more work experiance to do, sci fest and im sure our teachers will come up with SOMETHING for us to do!!!!!


Thursday 26 January 2012

no inspiration!!!!

ok so iv been sick recently :( and i havnt been in school that much. unfortunatly due to my sickness i missed our drama :(. but iv been told that it want extremly well and my understudy was quite the litlle actress ive been told :) so anyways. ty is kinda quiet recently. we only have a small little geog preject for us to do which i have barely anything done.
and i have no inspiration for this blog
soz babuzzzzzzzzz!!1 (spicer talk tehehehe)

blogger out!!!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

my catching up time begins.........NOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well hello there my firend....long time no post!!!!!

Anyone who actually does check up on my blog to see how im doing will notice that I have not posted in YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARSS!!!! the reason is that straight after the xmas holidays, my self and my partner sarah were shiped of to the bt young scientist. the bt young scietist is a compition that takes place every year in ireland, where students submit there science projects and if u get through u hav to present it to 3 judges!!!!! I  know.......SCARY!!!!!! out of about a thousand applicants only 500 got through. and I was one of them.....YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
It was alot of hard work though because ppl were so interested in our project and right now our voices our sooooo sore from saying the same speech over and over and over and over and....ok u get the point. but all in all it was really gud. we met soooo many new interesting ppl and i am now facebook friends with ALL of them ( yup im that cool ;) ) everyone was so nice with was such a surprise there was no bitchiness or arguments between anyone. it was sometimes like a big family. and afterward there was alot of entertainment. on firday there was a karaoke night / disco and on saturday there was a farewell disco. they were both so good aswell and i throughly enjoyed the experiance. i will admit though, coming back to school was diffucult wat with only one day rest before going back. tankfully we havnt bin given any more projects ( miracles do happen !!!) all we have to do now is finish out english drama and then we are done.....for now!!!!!!!!!! DA DA DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!!!!

scary shtuff!!!!

blogger out xx