Wednesday 7 March 2012

banging on really loud drums after a week with uncontrable kids can be quite therapeutic!!

ok so if you happen to be a normal person, you're probably looking at the title going WHAT THE ......???????:O
dont worry...i shall explain myself now...
we did our second week of work experiance last week and this time i opted for a montessori instead of a solicitors office. and i can safely ...theres quite a difference. iv alway loved kids and iv always been good with them but they can be such a CHALLENGE at times -_-  i was working at my aunties montessori and there were two classes everyday. one in the morning which lasted from 9.30 to 12.30 and then the afternoon class started at 1.00 to 4.00 first the kids had an hour and a half of "work time" which usually consited of me helping them with puzzlee and what not.. and theh after that there was "cirlce time" which is basacially where all of of sat in a circle and sang get it... then there was lucnh time which lasted a half an hour and then finally the was art time before they went home, except on fridays when its cooking time instead. the kids were great but they could ge a little mad at times. the morning class werent so bad though. they were very quite and they usually did all their work by themselves without much help from me or my aunt. but the afternoon class could be quite diffuculy because the majority of them were foreign and one of them couldn't even speak english at all!!! (quite diffucult to say the least!! ) and they could get quite loud and wpuldnt do their work. the most diffucult part of the afternoon class though was that there was a boy called philip who is disabled. but he hasnt been diagnosed yet so it is very to help im because we didnt know what excactly was wrong with him. he was fine most days ...but on wednesday....HE WENT MENTAL !! :o
apart from that i had a really good time working with the kids and they were so sweet and cute and some of them would literally follo me around the entire day AWWWWWW :)

on monday we had a percussion workshop. which was really cool just spending the entire day playing drums :) not too shabby !!!

god im tired

slater gator !!xx

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