Wednesday 18 January 2012

my catching up time begins.........NOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well hello there my firend....long time no post!!!!!

Anyone who actually does check up on my blog to see how im doing will notice that I have not posted in YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARSS!!!! the reason is that straight after the xmas holidays, my self and my partner sarah were shiped of to the bt young scientist. the bt young scietist is a compition that takes place every year in ireland, where students submit there science projects and if u get through u hav to present it to 3 judges!!!!! I  know.......SCARY!!!!!! out of about a thousand applicants only 500 got through. and I was one of them.....YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
It was alot of hard work though because ppl were so interested in our project and right now our voices our sooooo sore from saying the same speech over and over and over and over and....ok u get the point. but all in all it was really gud. we met soooo many new interesting ppl and i am now facebook friends with ALL of them ( yup im that cool ;) ) everyone was so nice with was such a surprise there was no bitchiness or arguments between anyone. it was sometimes like a big family. and afterward there was alot of entertainment. on firday there was a karaoke night / disco and on saturday there was a farewell disco. they were both so good aswell and i throughly enjoyed the experiance. i will admit though, coming back to school was diffucult wat with only one day rest before going back. tankfully we havnt bin given any more projects ( miracles do happen !!!) all we have to do now is finish out english drama and then we are done.....for now!!!!!!!!!! DA DA DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!!!!

scary shtuff!!!!

blogger out xx

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