Wednesday 9 November 2011

to tired to function!!!!

midterm is over!!! cue sad face :( its wednesday i i swear to got my eyelids have a mind of there own and are constanly disobbeying me!!!!! what part of stay open dont they understand.!!!
so we come back to midterm and although i have my history project complete (yeeooow boiiiiz) i still have to finish geographt tonight. i have two more places in ukraine thailand to do, ukraine and i think im mdoing languages. madeleine if u read this please commment below and remind me if i have anyhting else to do!!
 but of course ty being the way it if, many of our teachers felt that with one done they would us FIFTY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have a cool one for artand rellgion but i still have my homec project to do but thats mostly done in school. my teamates and i got into the bt young scientist competition which is really cool but its alot of work

mrs l. has told us that a school in america want to blog and vhat with us. it'll be interesting to see how the irish and american education system woks.....oooooh maybee i could do a blog about that...( if anyonre steals that idea of me....THEY....WILL..DIE!!!) jk babuz

blogger out


  1. Hi I'm one of the American students. It sounds like you get a lot of homework. I know what it fells like to be tired on school days too.

  2. actually transition year students dont really get that much homework, just alot of projects, they're fun and all but they can be tough sometimes because we have ALOT of them. but alot are only done in school which is helpful. do you do alot of projects or assignments aswell?

  3. I hate it when my eyelids do that to. It very annoying.

  4. i know and all i wanted to do then was to close them and fall asleep.....:(
