Thursday 15 December 2011

Can you see it?


how about now then.........

this is this lake somwewhere in the world...the reflection only looks like this in a particuler time of the year...........amazinf or what

yes we'r all aware it been snowing no need to have a sing and dance about it!!!1

ok so long time no see!!!!!

once again my absece can be excused. sooo much has happened since we last saw each other. well ill start about 3 years ago....i mean weeeks lol.
we went to seee the oprea don giovanni. although it was very was.........sooooo long. 5 hrs!!! because we were only watching it on a cinema screen many people feel aslee[ although we wudnt have done it if we had seen it live because it would've been very derespectful....obvo!!!! it was in italian no less but thank christ there was subtitles.!!!
the week after that we went to the ballet in some unbelievably posh boys school. ( it had an auditoriom OMG!!!!!!) the ballet was the nutcracker and although i had deifficulty understanding the story line i thought it was really good. and there was threee girls from our school in it along wih one girl from t.y!!!  U GO GIRLFRIEND....................(cant believe i just said that.i take that back.

after all these trips we all went to mcdonalds which was cool too. trust us to smell out a mcdonalds somwhere.

anyways i finally finished my homevc project YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. ( pause for appaulse) we just had a fashion show and all tyhe garments looked absolutly amazing and once we saw them the nerves started to kick in to say the least.

but we onloy have four subjects to do although im pretty nervous about maths irish and spanish!!!! wow imagine if i only did well in english AAAAAAAAAAAAH SCARY THOUGHT GO AWAY GO AWAY!!!!

on wednesy we shall have a trip to celebrate our freedom.HELL YEAH!!! and then a work shop on thursday.
so im pretty sure this shall be my last blog till after x mas.....
blogger out